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(Texas Tonix Flower)
There is a time for THC, but when you need the benefits of Cannabinoids while keeping a clear head use Texas Tonix Flower with high CBD and low THC. This premium hand selected CBD Flower will not let you down!
TTF Products
When we started this company our family was adamantly opposed to anything that looked like you could smoke it. We have learned a lot in a very short time and have since seen that there is most definitely a place in the Texas Tonix Family for flower products. She is a very magnificent plant and has many different forms that can be very beneficial! What finally made us cave in was when Dr. Adam Abodeely a surgeon from New York, explained that when you smoke Cannabinoids it delivers the highest bioavailability of CBD; 20% to 50% of the active ingredients remain unchanged!!! Another great advantage to smoking Cannabinoids is it works very quickly. How quick, in about ninety seconds! At this point we started hunting CBD rich Cannabinoids and just like what we found out in Texas Tonix there is a lot of scary, so called flower floating around out there. At this point my mission for Texas Tonix kicked in. To meet our standards of quality, we looked for suppliers that could educate us in what we needed to be looking for when selecting flower and cross checked these people with others is the industry for honesty. With these things in mind, we have found some wonderful horticulturalist out of Colorado and New Mexico. That know what they are doing when it comes to this flower. We hope you will enjoy this flower we picked just for you!